Using Visualization, Game Analytics, and User Interviews to Boost your Designs


Setting and Measuring KPIs

We measure much of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) identified in the industry. These metrics vary by game and mobile application. For games, review the very basic list in our books for games.

While there are a basic set, we:
1 Customize the KPIs based on your goals,

2 Develop measureable metrics given your KPIs, and

3 Instrument your application to collect these metrics.




Data-Driven Retrospective Interviewing (DDRI)

Data-Driven Retrospective Interviewing (DDRI) is a method that was invented by the co-founder to gain user insights on retention and engagement (Seif El-Nasr, et al. 2015).
It integrates data and interviews over data visualized from play sessions that users had in their leisure.
Using this technique, we can gain insights about how users integrate the game or application into their daily lives and have a better sense of what causes churn or retention issues as well as why certain customers do not convert to paying customers.


Visualization Systems

Stratmapper is a spatio-temporal visualization system developed in the GUII lab. StratMapper, similar to the systems described earlier, visualizes players’ movement as well as game variables over time and over spatial maps. Using such visualization, you can see how players played the game in a more granular way. Further, Stratmapper incorporates several features that make it easier to interact with the visualization for further analysis of players’ strategies. Watch video here:

Glyph has an added feature of a window showing clustered patterns. This window is shown alongside the state-action transition graphs. When one selects a pattern from this window, the corresponding state-action transitions are shown. This allows analysts to navigate similar patterns and identify different ones. We will discuss this interface in more detail later. It should be noted that Glyph has been published in Nguyen, Seif El-Nasr, and Canossa (2015); we refer the readers to this article for more information.

Keynote Address at SBGames

A User-Centric and Data-Driven Approach to Game Design (Keynote Address 2021)

Games, especially Serious Games, have, for many years, been used as applications for entertainment, education, training, crowdsourcing, as well as platforms for understanding human behavior, which creates opportunities for making great societal impacts. The potential social impact of these environments elevates the importance of developing methods that can enhance the player engagement during and after production as well as evaluate the value of these designs in the long term. Towards these goals, I will discuss various visualization and behavior analysis tools and innovative methods we have developed and used over the past decade. I will also discuss a case study where these tools and methods are used. I will discuss how these tools and methods enabled us to discover design problems that impacted players’ engagement, adherence, and motivation. I will then conclude by discussing results from our current studies investigating the use of user and data-centric approaches in current esports tools used for training and engagement.

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Design through data and tested methods


Design through data and tested methods